Trips & Adventurous Activities in Halifax
Trips & Adventurous Activities in Halifax

We couldn't find Trips & Adventurous Activities in Halifax at the moment.
Subscribe weekly email newsletter for HalifaxTo Travel the world is to travel within oneself. For all the adrenaline junkies out there are cool adventure events in Halifax like hiking in the forests, camping in mountains, hanging by the cliffs and a lot more. An adrenaline rush is sure to have when one is out there on adventure. Whether it’s swimming, river rafting, rappelling , riding with motorcycle club or cycling with friends or just a weekend getaway near Halifax, we have got you covered.
Find your adventure and trips near Halifax.
We couldn't find Trips & Adventurous Activities in Halifax at the moment.
Subscribe weekly email newsletter for HalifaxHalifax is known to be a tourist hub as its the ideal destination due to its amazing summer weather, the maritime culture, the weekly festivals, abundant park and the beautiful craft beer. Halifax due to its young population and thriving energy is home to ample amounts of adventure in the form of camping, trekking and other related outdoor activities. Where a local person from Halifax may use this as a stress- buster, it is best known that Halifax is known to appeal to the nature lover in anyone.
Camping in Halifax is a highly celebrated culture. From camping at locations that are day trips from halifax to those adventures halifax has to offer by the sea. There are numerous options to choose from. One must also make it a point to do a halifax road trip to either Peggy's Cove or Lunenberg while in this region for its spectacular views. camping halifax culture when discussed must include, the Shubie Park Campground for its beautiful Lake Charles and historic canals and bike trails, the Halifax West KOA, is a place with adventure up their sleeve for all age groups. From swimming to camping to renting bikes, this place has multiple events running through the day to keep every age group entertained.
While one speaks of hiking, trek halifax and adventure halifax offer a number of hikes that are no more than 30mins via road from downtown Halifax. From Porters Lake Provincial Park, where one can experience a perfect slice of wilderness. With its proximity to a sea, it is a perfect place for kayaking, canoeing and fishing and hence appeals to all age groups. When one speaks of canoeing and kayaking, one must also not miss the Dollar Lake Provincial Park, just at a 30 minute drive from central Halifax this place is quick getaway for back-country hiking and canoeing. You won’t want to miss the beautiful sandy beach at the North end of the lake. It’s the perfect location to spend a Saturday afternoon before heading back to your campsite.
Halifax is not only a place where one can enjoy amazing cuisines and festivals. Known to be the hub of good food and music festivals, Hafilax has yet managed to shine in one aspect known to a few, the adventure department. There are a lot of opportunities for adventures in Halifax in the form of hiking, camping, trails and other such activities. Some of the trails that one must go on are Musquodoboit Trailway , the Kearney Lake Trails and the Bluff Wilderness Trail. Other fun things to do in Halifax include the Kartbahn Racing, trampoline work outs at Get Air or throwing axes at the Timber Lounge. The other activities that one must try while in this vicinity are, the Bowlrama which essentially celebrates the true spirit of bowling, the Ground Zero, an area which provides an array of options for rock climbing and the Clay Cafe, that allows anyones inner artist to transform their idea's via clay.
All you travel enthusiasts, we have got you covered for some exciting options & places for adventure sports and fun day trips from Halifax.
Top places for adventurous things to do in Halifax:
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