Saturday & Sunday Sessions - Location Specific International Speech Contest Judges Training

Saturday & Sunday Sessions - Location Specific International Speech Contest Judges Training

Saturday & Sunday Sessions - Location Specific International Speech Contest Judges Training

Time 10:30 am to 12:30 pm (EST)
Multiple Dates

Various Locations - See ticket details to select specific appropriate venue and address, Snellville, United States

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Saturday & Sunday Sessions - Location Specific International Speech Contest Judges Training | AllEvents Saturday & Sunday Sessions - Location Specific International Speech Contest Judges Training


Did you know that the winners of the coveted title of World Champion of Public Speaking all began their journeys in clubs around the world?

In preparation for the highly anticipated and contested International Speech Contest season, District 14's Speech Contest team will be providing a series of in-person location specific judges training to ALL MEMBERS!

Come out and ensure that you are equipped with the tools needed to be an effective judge at all levels- Club, Area, Division and District. Let us all do our parts to ensure the best candidate represents our District on the world stage!


Saturday sessions: 10:30AM-12:30AM

Sunday sessions: 2PM-4PM

Note: all sessions will begin promptly and will include an optional additional 30 minutes post assessment

Dates and locations

January 4th - Snellville area ---RESCHEDULED to Sunday February 16th

January 5th - Augusta area---RESCHEDULED to Saturday February 15th

January 11th - Savannah area ---RESCHEDULED to Saturday February 22nd

February 8th - Columbus area

February 9th - Albany area

NOTE: please be sure to select the correct date with the corresponding time and venue desired during registration.

Light refreshments will be served, and all registrants will receive a judge's pin at the end of the session.

For questions please contact:

Contest Chair JoAnn Sheats at bWlzc2pvbGljaWEgfCBnbWFpbCAhIGNvbQ==

Trainer Debbie Thompson at ZGp0NDEzIHwgYmVsbHNvdXRoICEgbmV0

Refund Policy

In the event that a training session is cancelled for any reason, a full refund will be granted to all members who purchased tickets.


Tickets for Saturday & Sunday Sessions - Location Specific International Speech Contest Judges Training can be booked here.

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Event Information

Date & Time

10:30 am to 12:30 pm (EST)
Multiple Dates


Various Locations - See ticket details to select specific appropriate venue and address, Snellville, United States

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