Workshop mit Matan Levkowich in Salzburg. Der Workshop richtet sich an Menschen die sich für Kontaktimprovisation und andere tänzerische Bewegungsformen begeistern. Matan wird individuell auf die Gruppe eingehen, sodass du nicht unbedingt Vorkenntnisse benötigst und auch erfahrene Tänzerinnen und Tänzer nicht zu kurz kommen.
Schedule: Freitag 6. 12.: 16.00 - 19.00 // Samstag 7.12.: 10.00 - 13.00 - Mittagspause - 14.00 - 17.00 // Sonntag 8. 12.: 10.00 - 12.30 - Mittagspause - 13.30 – 16.00
Kosten: 170 - 210 Euro* Early Bird bis 31.10.2024 / 210 -250 Euro* ab 31.10 2024
*(Selbsteinschätzung nach Möglichkeiten)
Fragen und Info:
Am Samstag gibt es die Möglichkeit im Arge Beisl Mittag zu Essen. Wir werden einen Tisch für uns reservieren. Bitte gib bei der Anmeldung Bescheid ob du mit uns essen wirst. Für das gemeinsame Essen am Sonntag bring bitte etwas mit, sodass wir gemeinsam ein buntes und schmackhaftes Potluck Buffet kreieren.
The Metaphysical Body is a dance research project exploring the relationship between dance and altered states of consciousness. Grounded in phenomenological research, it treats lived experience as a primary source of knowledge and insight.
Within this framework, Contact Improvisation is explored not only as a partner-based form but also as a solo and group practice. We begin by examining how movement flows through the individual body, focusing on the subtle art of recycling kinetic energy
through refined technique and awareness. Central to this is the state of Flow, where movement arises effortlessly, free from mental interference.
We will investigate the foundations of clear physical communication with a partner, developing an adaptive framework that supports responsiveness to different bodies, energies, and intentions. This process nurtures an embodied intelligence that fosters both personal expression and mutual cooperation.
Further, we will explore group intelligence—the collective awareness that emerges when several bodies move together. Through shared movement strategies, we’ll attune
to subtle, non-verbal cues that shape group dynamics and explore how individual presence contributes to the unfolding of a cohesive group structure.
This workshop invites participants to move beyond habitual patterns, opening doors to altered states of consciousness through embodied practices and discover new ways of
sensing, moving, and being present in the world.
Matan Levkowich is a dancer, choreographer and host of the podcast 'Material For The Brain'. In 2015 he founded Movement Lab - a vehicle for movement education, choreographic work and
discourse exploration. His practice is informed by his enthusiasm for physical and theoretical research, and revolves around the question of how to develop a meaningful relationship with
the body-mind.
Over the past decade, he has dedicated himself to educating people around the world about
better movement and reflecting on pressing social issues through the medium of performance and, more recently, his podcast 'Material for the brain'. His passion for research and discovery
drives him daily to expand his understanding and develop as a human being.
Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Dein Contactus Team & Matan Levkowich