Rockets vs. Kings

Rockets vs. Kings

Rockets vs. Kings

Time Thu, 16 Jan, 2025

Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, United States

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Rockets vs. Kings | Event in Sacramento | AllEvents About the event Rockets vs. Kings
Venue Details:
Golden 1 Center,
500 David J Stern Walk, Golden 1 Center,
Sacramento, United States

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Wheelchair accessible parking
Wheelchair accessible entrance
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Event Venue

Summarised review

The Golden 1 Center is a popular entertainment venue that hosts a variety of events, including WWE wrestling, concerts, and graduation ceremonies. Visitors have praised its large size and exciting atmosphere. The venue also employs a unique strategy to manage visitor alcohol consumption by charging high prices for beer. However, some attendees have reported poor audio quality in certain seating areas, particularly in Section 204, where sound delays and echoes have negatively impacted their experience. Despite the excellent sightlines from this section, these sound issues have led to recommendations against choosing seats in or around this area.

Nearby Hotels Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, United States

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Date & Time

Thu, 16 Jan, 2025


Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, United States
