APP Special Event - Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB) Workout - FAIRFIELD

APP Special Event - Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB) Workout - FAIRFIELD

APP Special Event - Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB) Workout - FAIRFIELD

Mon, 05 May, 2025 at 05:00 pm to 06:30 pm

1717 Rex Clift Ln, 1717 Rex Clift Lane, Fairfield, United States

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APP Special Event - Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB) Workout - FAIRFIELD, 5 May | Event in Fairfield | AllEvents About the event APP Special Event - Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB) Workout - FAIRFIELD
Golden Gate Division Applicant Preparation Program (APP) Workout

About this Event

The Golden Gate Division Recruitment Team will be hosting a Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB) workout. The workout is designed to assist individuals to prepare for the WSTB exam that will be administered at the CHP Academy. All police recruits are required to pass this exam to become a peace officer in the State of California. Recruits will only be given two opportunities to pass this exam, so it is imperative you prepare in advance by participating in the WSTB workout for yourself. It is also a great opportunity to stay in shape and show your interest in the CHP!

Attendees shall wear appropriate athletic workout attire free of any large logos or inappropriate material. Attendees should bring necessary items such as a workout towel and proper hydration. First-time attendees of the APP Workouts are required to print out and complete the Applicant Preparation Program Waiver.pdf, and bring it with them to the workout.

Since this is a specially reserved event, please arrive on time to allow for sufficient warm-up and if you would like to have multiple attempts on the course.

Any questions, email us at MzByZWNydWl0bWVudCB8IGNocCAhIGNhICEgZ292 or call (707) 917-4360.

For after hours assistance, please call/text (707) 319-0613 or (916) 634-6037.

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Tickets for APP Special Event - Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB) Workout - FAIRFIELD can be booked here.

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General Admission Free
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Nearby Hotels 1717 Rex Clift Ln, 1717 Rex Clift Lane, Fairfield, United States

Just a heads up!

We have gathered all the information for you in one convenient spot, but please keep in mind that these are subject to change. We do our best to keep everything updated, but something might be out of sync. For the latest updates, always check the official event details by clicking the "Find Tickets" button.

After all, we want you to have the best experience.

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Date & Time

Mon, 05 May, 2025 at 05:00 pm to 06:30 pm


1717 Rex Clift Ln, 1717 Rex Clift Lane, Fairfield, United States

Host Details
About The Host:
CHP - Golden Gate Division serves as the CHP Command Center for the nine Bay Area counties, providing the highest level of Safety, Service, and Security to...over 7 million people. Our division is comprised of twelve Area Offices, three Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facilities, one Communications Center, and an Air Operations unit. Each Golden Gate Division Area office and inspection facility was strategically placed to provide the best and most efficient service from the dedicated members of the CHP.The California Highway Patrol is the primary law enforcement agency for the freeways and highways of the State of California. In addition, the CHP is also responsible for all State-owned facilities and properties. The CHP also provides traffic enforcement services  and general law enforcement to the many unincorporated communities of the Bay Area. CHP also provides assistance to other law enforcement agencies as needed.Our goal is to minimize the loss of life, personal injury, and property damage resulting from traffic collisions through enforcement, education, and engineering. To enforce the provisions of the California Vehicle Code and other laws to prevent crime.

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