Phaedra of Sedona Sound Healing Tribe is a healer, a psychic guide and a intuitive sound healer. She integrates her Native Hoop drum with crystal bowls and various other percussion to facilitate a relaxing, meditative and healing journey.Joel Countryman of Sedona Sound Healing Tribe is our amazing didjeridoo player. He is world-renowned for his unique style of playing two didgeridoos simultaneously. The binaural beats and resonant frequencies that Joel creates with his unique style of playing are catalysts for recipients to relax, revitalize and rejuvenate. Joel is the sole proprietor of JoL Didjeridoos©, hand-crafted didjeridoos, which are unique in construction, design, and sound healing performance.Cheshire of Sedona Sound Healing Tribe is an herbalist, intuitive Tarot reader and sound healing aromatherapist. Cheshire integrates her Nepalese singing bowls, chanting, and aromatherapy mists to assist in our sound healing baths.