Green Camp Egypt is a group travelling who are exploring touristic destinations in Egypt with low-budget trips through a daytrips in Cairo or other governorates. We always excited in meeting new people with different cultures and backgrounds. Exchanging memories and opinions is one wonderful for us. Every trip we conduct, we get introduced to some new group of adventurers who share the same spiritual feelings. It is 4 years since we started to organize a trips, at the beginning of 2024 We decided to turn it into professional way. So, now we are seeking your support to continue. Join us for weekend adventures where we connect, network, and brainstorm. Join us now and embrace the beauty of nature! ■ Find us on Facebook: Green Camp Egypt ■ Find us on Instagram: @Greencampegypt ■ For reservation & information contact us on WhatsApp. ■ Payment through Instapay or Vodafone cash on: 00201080430150