You must register for this ride:
Join us for a relaxed social ride on Lysterfield's beautiful mountain bike trails. We ride in 3 groups, so regardless of your ability and fitness, this is the ride for you. All groups are no drop rides.
Ages 16+.
Are you new to the sport, or wanting to get back into it after a few years away? Whether you’ve never ridden a mountain bike before, or you’re hooked on wide dirt trails but don’t have the confidence to consistently ride narrower trails with roots and tighter corners, the BEGINNERS group may be for you.
Intermediate Relaxed:
This ride is for those able to ride their MTB with confidence and would like to explore Lysty at a relaxed pace. Can you ride a loop at Lysty? is your fitness at a level where you can ride 14-20k comfortably. Can you ride 60-70% of the features at Lysty? Then this ride would suit you.
Intermediate Confident:
Are you confident on 70-90% of the trails at Lysterfield? do you ride regularly at Lysty and at other MTB parks? would like like a bit a speed and a lot of adventure? then this will be the group for you!
You must register for this event, we will be running as separate groups, subject to ride leader availability. Once finished join us for coffee and snacks and chats at the Orchard @ Montagues.
There is no charge for this event but you MUST register:
All riders must have Aus Cycling insurance:
Free 4 week trail is available:
What you will need:
- A mountain bike in good working order
- An Australian safety standards approved helmet
- Water, snacks, spare tube