
Active Adults (50+): Couples Sip & Paint!


Couples Sip & Paint!

It’s an Active Adults (50+) couples night – paint a beautiful sunflower that will brighten any room! On Friday, February 7, 7 – 9 p.m., couples can paint one sunflower together or paint two together for a unique diptych. You can customize the sunflower to fit your decor colors. Debra Jan will guide you through the process with step- by-step instructions. You will receive guidance and tips on color and how to achieve the look you want. It's easy & fun. There are only 26 spots available (each person is one spot) for this event. The registration β€œfee” is one box of disposable latex gloves that will be donated to the Houston Humane Society. Feel free to bring an adult beverage – we’ll provide coffee, water & sodas. Register online at Siennanet/REGISTER by January 22.

WHO: Active Adults 50 Plus
WHAT: Couples Sip & Paint
WHERE: Club Sienna- Sienna Room (6:30 pm- 8:30 pm)
Fee: One box of disposable latex gloves donated to Houston Human Society
WHEN: Friday, February 7, 2020

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