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If Splash as your Whistle

If Splash as your Whistle

If Splash as your Whistle

Sat May 27 2023 at 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm

Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art, Saint James's, London, United Kingdom

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If Splash as your Whistle | Event in London | AllEvents.in About the event If Splash as your Whistle
If Splash as you Whistle is a one-night event consisting of works by eleven queer, diasporic artists with Sinophone backgrounds.

About this Event

?6:30 pm-8:30 pm, 27/05/2023

Goldsmiths CCA Residency Space

We’re pleased to announce our first screening event will be held in @goldsmithscca ‘s Residency Space

✦ Massive Thanks to @gourdcanteen ‘s support to make this come true! ??Also we’ll have a food/drink time together in the cute cafe area after the screening ♡

?? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? is a one-night event consisting of works by eleven queer, diasporic artists with Sinophone backgrounds. Placing performance and sound in the screening of moving images, the event presents these media as compositions of embodied memories and tools of resistance in the public sphere.

The featured works in this event explore loss and its worthiness of mourning that occupies affective and embodied space and time. They also point to the possible futures when mourning inspires the world-buildings of what has been absent. They create vibrations, rhythms, playfulness, or melancholy as we mourn. The enactment of this mourning will facilitate the becoming of an intimate alliance from a shared sense of loss.

As in a liquid-like mourning ritual, an intimate protest – It’s time to make a splash. / Organised by @xinyuiris @fuliwy Academic support: Hang Li @playingthehang

Showing artists:

Aec3 @ae_c3

Jiawei Zheng @shotwoomoo

Wenqi Zou @wenqi___

Liming Lin @liming_lin_is_a_hero

Qingqing Liu @weeeekdu

Rui Shi @scowerrui_shi

Xiaoyu1002 @xiaoyu1002_

Xinyu Xuxx @xinyuiris

Yuqing Lin @fuliwy

Yasmine Anlan Huang @helloyasmine

Zijing Zhao @mangobird_

(A-Z) ✨


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Date & Time

Sat May 27 2023 at 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm


Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art, Saint James's, London, United Kingdom

Host Details
Xinyu Xu & Yuqing Lin

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