Penne For Your Thoughts, 9430 S Northshore Dr,Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Don’t miss Penne For Your Thyme on September 23rd, 2024 at 6:30 PM! This is a “traditional” speed dating event. This event is for LGBTQIA+ singles looking for serious, monogamous relationships. The event is open to all genders and all ages 18+.
How does speed dating and speed friending work?
When you check in at the event you will fill out a name tag and scan a QR code that leads you to a “meet up” form you can fill out on your phone. You will log each 5-7 minute meet up/date/conversation in that form and then I will review everyone’s forms after the event. If you matched with anyone, you will get an email from that tells you who you matched with and it will have the notes you took about that person and their contact information! If you only want to meet friends, only want to meet potential partners, or if you’re open to both, you’ll indicate that on your name tag! You can also tell me on your meet up sheet what aspect you’re interested in for each date if you decide to meet with friends and partners 🙂
Tickets for Penne For Your Thyme - Speed Dating for LGBTQ+ can be booked here.
Event Photos
4.0 It was my first time experiencing speed dating and i actually enjoyed myself. See All Reviews