Healing Service with Eucharist
The Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God.
We are grateful for your support in so many ways.
Paypal: Click on button on homepage: stchrishouston.org
-Contribution through automatic bank draft, please speak to Van V. at
-Another option is mail your pledge as the mail is checked daily. Thank you again.
We are grateful for your support in so many ways.
Masks are optional. We ask that you continue to respect everyone’s choices.
We will continue to register in person. Parishioners and visitors just need to sign in at the Welcome Table.
Nursery is available before and during the 10:30 am service. Just follow the arrows!
Communion is available at the Altar Rail or the blue line in front of the Altar Rail. You may have your communion wafer intincted by the Rector, receive the wafer and intinct the wafer yourself, or receive the common cup.