Saturday, february the 22th.
In the top Giant Turbine hal (1st floor).
Intercultural Center De Centrale. 🏠
Address: Kraankindersstraat 2, 9000 Gent - Belgium.
Dinner, dance workshops, show, live band, party with guest dance schools, instructors, performers.
Come to dance and enjoy it!
Short description of this event:
More than 23 year's promoting the Afro-Latina culture, dance schools, live bands, DJ's, shows, instructors, performers, amateur and professional artists, etc.
Visitors from everywhere to this latin cultural event.
Allen van harte welkom - Bienvenidos - Welcome all!
🌴💥 💃🕺 ❣️ The program: ❣️ 💃🕺 💥 🌴
Open level dance workshops & party.
The instructors will ensure that you enjoy the dance workshops with something easy and fun.
Tango Matinee by Polariteit:
⌚ 16:40 Hours. Doors open, registrations.
⌚ 17:00 - 20:00 Tango music by DJ Johan.
Welcome all tango lovers, big dance floor!
Entrance: 10 €
⌚ 20:00 Hours. Colombian Salsa workshop by Julie & Didier.
⌚ 21:00 Hours. Dominican Bachata workshop by William & team.
⌚ 21:45 PARTY TIME: 💃🕺 💃🕺
⌚ 02:00 Hours. End the party, thanks for the visit!
⌚ 03:00 Hours. End the after-Party.
❣️ Music by el maestro DJ Pacha & guest.❣️
Salsa & bachata all styles, touch of Kiz, mojitos and Afro-Latina hot songs for animations.
❤ Big dance floor! ❤
Dance Animations by guest dance schools.
Only party: 10 Euro.
Only 1 Dance workshop 10 Euro.
Full-Pass: 15 Euro (All 2 dance workshops + party included)!
To pay cash – Mobile payment – Payconiq.
DINNER: 18U - 21U.
ENTR restaurant (Overkant van de zaal).
Powered by De Centrale.
Info en reservaties: Tel. 09 278 26 99
- HOTELS near the event:
Ibis Budjet. Info: 0032 - (09) 395 20 10
Hotel Dampoort. Info: 0032 - (09) 228 88 50).
Van harte welkom - Bienvenidos - Welcome all!
All Rights Reserved - Copy Right!
Org. LACC.VZW - Polariteit.VZW
In collaboration with dance schools,
musicians, dj's, performers, instructors & you all.
Aditional INFO:
Sharing flyers in the room is not allowed!!!
There is a small table at the entrance for all flyers.
Banners not allowed!!!
Using the locker room to leave your things is mandatory!!!
!!! Entry with backpacks will not be permitted !!!
!!! Bringing your own bottle/Drink is not allowed !!!
❣️❣️❣️ Thanks for supporting our bar. ❣️ ❣️ ❣️
PUBLIC parking near the event info:
Parking Gent-Dampoort P1
Parking Vrijdagsmarkt:
You CAN also park in one of the streets near the party, it's free after 11:00 p.m.
There is a machine right on the corner of the event to pay for parking.
Coming by bike or e-step today has become easier.