To celebrate the Summer Solstice and the end of the Leaving Certificate I am offering people a very special deal on my
Comprehensive Doula Training 2024 - 25.
I have never offered it before and it will only be available between the 21st June until 30th June.
What you get
1. 10 month payment plan for my Comprehensive Doula Training Course 2024 - 2025
2. Access to Advanced Doula Training Course Breastfeeding for Doulas worth €395
3. Access to Advanced Doula Training Course Homeopathy for Doulas worth €197
4. Two one to one mentoring sessions worth €350
5. Plus the usual bonuses with Melissa of Tummy Love worth €300, Anne Maire Toole worth €300 and others.. .
That's over €1500 of bonuses.
But these are ONLY available until the end of June. They will NOT be here in July or August.
If you want in then sign up now.
#krysialynch #dublindoula #doula
#doulatraining #doulatrainer #birthdoula #postnataldoula #birthmentor #birthkeeper #doulaverse #doulapodcast #naturalbirth #doulasupport #freebirth #birthpreparation
#givingbirth #autonomy #informedconsent #birthchoices #birthpreferences #breastfeeding
#birthplan #waterbirth #homebirth #csection #hbac #birthrights #vbac #due2025 #due2024